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Customizing the Front End

The actual code for the front end is located under interface/src/ and divided into the "routes" folder and a "lib" folder for assets, stores and components.

Resource Description
routes/ Root of the routing system
routes/connections/ Setting and status pages for MQTT, NTP, etc.
routes/demo/ The lightstate demo
routes/system/ Status page for ESP32 and OTA settings
routes/user/ Edit and add users and change passwords
routes/wifi/ Status and settings for WiFi station and AP
lib/ Library folder for stores, components and assets
lib/assets/ Assets like pictures
lib/components/ Reusable components like modals, password input or collapsible
lib/stores Svelte stores for common access to data


The back end provides a JSON which features of the back end are enabled by the feature selection. It is fetched with the page load and made available in the pages-store and can be accessed on any site with It is used to hide any disabled setting element.

Delete demo/ Project

The light state demo project is included by default to demonstrate the use of the backend and front end. It demonstrates the use of the MQTT-API, websocket API and REST API to switch on the build in LED of the board. routes/connections/mqtt/MQTTConfig.svelte is also part of the 'demo/' Project. You can reuse this to set your own MQTT topics, or delete it. Do not forget to adjust +page.svelte as well. Use it as an example how to create your own custom API and access it from the front end. It can be deleted safely after it has been removed from the menu as well.

Create your root +page.svelte

The root page of the front end is located under routes/+page.svelte. This should be the central place of your app and can be accessed at any time by pressing the logo and app name in the side menu. Just override it to suit your needs.

Customize the Main Menu

The main menu is located in routes/menu.svelte as a svelte component and defines the main menu including a menu footer.

The main menu comes with a small footer to add your copyright notice plus links to github and your discord server where users can find help. The active-flag is used to disable an element in the UI. Most of these global parameters are set in the routes/+layout.ts.

const discord = { href: ".", active: false };

The menu consists of an array of menu items. These are defined as follows:

    title: 'Demo App',
    icon: Control,
    href: '/demo',
  • Where title refers to the page title. It must be identical to as defined in the +page.ts in any of your routes. If they do not match the corresponding menu item is not highlighted on first page load or a page refresh. A minimum +page.ts looks like this:
import type { PageLoad } from "./$types";

export const load = (async ({ fetch }) => {
  return {
    title: "Demo App",
}) satisfies PageLoad;
  • icon must be an icon component giving the menu items icon.
  • href is the link to the route the menu item refers to.
  • feature takes a bool and should be set to true. It is used by the feature selector to hide a menu entry of it is not present on the back end.

Advanced Customizations

On the root level there are two more files which you can customize to your needs.

Login Page

login.svelte is a component showing the login screen, when the security features are enabled. By default it shows the app's logo and the login prompt. Change it as you need it.

Status Bar

statusbar.svelte contains the top menu bar which you can customize to show state information about your app and IoT device. By default it shows the active menu title and the hamburger icon on small screens.

Github Firmware Update

If the feature FT_DOWNLOAD_FIRMWARE is enabled, ESP32 SvelteKit pulls the Github Release section through the Github API for firmware updates once per hour. Also the firmware update menu shows all available firmware releases allowing the user to up- and downgrade has they please. If you're using the Github releases section you must first tell the frontend your correct path to your github repository as described here.

Also you must make use of couple build flags in platformio.ini:

    -D APP_NAME=\"ESP32-Sveltekit\" ; Must only contain characters from [a-zA-Z0-9-_] as this is converted into a filename
    -D APP_VERSION=\"0.3.0\" ; semver compatible version string

Out of these flags the script will copy and rename the firmware binary to /build/firmware/{APP_NAME}_{$PIOENV}_{APP_VERSION}.bin. In addition it will also create a corresponding MD5 checksum file. These files are ready to be uploaded to the Github release page without any further changes. The frontend searches for the firmware binary which matches the build environment and uses this as the update link. This allows you to serve different build targets (e.g. different boards) from the same release page.

Custom Update Server

The frontend and backend code can be easily adjusted to suit a custom update server. For the backend the changes are described here. On the frontend only two files must be adapted and changed to switch to a custom update server: /lib/components/UpdateIndicator.svelte and /routes/system/update/GithubFirmwareManager.svelte.


The update server must provide the firmware download through SSL encryption.