The project includes a number of components to create the user interface. Even though DaisyUI has a huge set of components, it is often beneficial to recreate them as a Svelte component. This offers a much better integration into the Svelte way of doing things, is less troublesome with animations and results in a overall better user experience.
A collapsible container to hide / show content by clicking on the arrow button.
import Collapsible from "$lib/components/Collapsible.svelte";
It exports a closed / open state with export open
which you can use to determine the mounting behavior of the component.
The component has two slots. A named slot title
for the collapsible title and the main slot for the content that can be hidden or shown.
<Collapsible open={false} class="shadow-lg" on:closed={doSomething}>
<span slot="title">Title</span>
The class
attribute may be used as normal to style the container. By default there is no special styling like background or shadows to accentuate the container element.
The collapsible component dispatches two events. on:closed
when the collapsible is closed and on:opened
when it is opened. You can bind to them as to any other event.
This is an input field specifically for passwords. It comes with an "eye"-button on the right border to toggle the visibility of the password. It natively blends into the style from DaisyUI.
import InputPassword from "$lib/components/InputPassword.svelte";
You may use it like any other form element:
<InputPassword id="pwd" bind:value={password} />
This shows the popular WiFi strength indicator icon with differently highlighted circles depending on the received signal strength (RSSI) of the WiFi signal. In addition it can display the signal strength in raw "dBm" as an indicator badge.
import RssiIndicator from "$lib/components/RSSIIndicator.svelte";
Just use and style as you please. It doesn't have any slots or events.
<RssiIndicator showDBm={true} rssi_dbm={-85} class="text-base-content h-10 w-10" />
Two exports control the behavior of the component. rssi_dbm
accepts a negative number of the raw RSSI in dBm and is used to determine how many circles of reception should be shown. An optional boolean showDBm
(defaults to false
) shows the indicator badge with the dBm value.
Settings Card
A Settings Card is in many ways similar to a collapsible. However, it is styled and is the main element of many settings menus. It also accepts an icon in a dedicate slot and unlike collapsible has no events.
import SettingsCard from "$lib/components/SettingsCard.svelte";
Three slots are available. Besides the main slot for the content there is a named slot for the title
and s second one for the icon
<SettingsCard collapsible={true} open={false}>
<Icon slot="icon" class="lex-shrink-0 mr-2 h-6 w-6 self-end" />
<span slot="title">Title</span>
The component exports two properties to determine its behavior. collapsible
is a boolean describing wether the component should behave like a collapsible in the first place. open
is a boolean as well and if set true shows the full content of the body on mount.
A small component showing an animated spinner which can be used while waiting for data.
import Spinner from "$lib/components/Spinner.svelte";
No slots, no events, no properties. Just use <Spinner/>
whenever something is loading.
Toast Notifications
Toast notifications are implemented as a writable store and are easy to use from any script section. They are an easy way to feedback to the user. To use them just import the notifications store
import { notifications } from "$lib/components/toasts/notifications";
and call one of the 4 toast methods:
Method | Description |
notification.error(msg:string, timeout:number) |
Shows an error message |
notification.warning(msg:string, timeout:number) |
Shows a warning message |, timeout:number) |
Shows an info message |
notification.success(msg:string, timeout:number) |
Shows as success message |
Each method takes an msg
-string as an argument, which will be shown as the message body. It accepts HTML to enrich your toasts, if you should desire to do so. The timeout
argument specifies how many milliseconds the toast notification shall be shown to the user.
Github Update Dialog
This is a modal showing the update progress, possible error messages and makes a full page refresh 5 seconds after the OTA was successful.
Update Indicator
The update indicator is a small widget shown in the upper right corner of the status bar. It indicates the availability of a newer firmware release then the current one. Upon pressing the icon it will automatically update the firmware to the latest release. By default this works through the Github Latest Release API. This must be customized should you use a different update server. Have a look at the source file to see what portions to update.
Info Dialog
Shows a modal on the UI which must be deliberately dismissed. It features a title
and a message
property. The dismiss button can be customized via the dismiss
property with a label and an icon. onDismiss
call back must close the modal and can be used to do something when closing the info dialog.
import InfoDialog from "$lib/components/InfoDialog.svelte";, {
title: 'You have a new Info',
'Something really important happened that justifies showing you a modal which must be clicked away.',
dismiss: { label: 'OK', icon: Check },
onDismiss: () => modals.close();
This modal is based on svelte-modals where you can find further information.
Confirm Dialog
Shows a confirm modal on the UI which must be confirmed to proceed, or can be canceled. It features a title
and a message
property. The confirm
and cancel
buttons can be customized via the labels
property with a label and an icon. onConfirm
call back must close the modal and can be used to trigger further actions.
import ConfirmDialog from "$lib/components/ConfirmDialog.svelte";, {
title: "Confirm what you are doing",
message: "Are you sure you want to proceed? This could break stuff!",
labels: {
cancel: { label: "Abort", icon: Cancel },
confirm: { label: "Confirm", icon: Check },
onConfirm: () => modals.close(),
This modal is based on svelte-modals where you can find further information.